JUMP TO: Episode 1. Episode 2. Episode 3. Episode 4. Episode 5. Episode 6.
In case you missed our exciting news last week, we shared that we are branching out into the world of audio, and are launching a brand new podcast series ‘Tales of Croydonia’ to celebrate this year’s Croydon Literary Festival which takes place on 27 October.
The name gives it away doesn’t it folks – stories relating to our beloved borough written by Croydon’s pool of literary talent. You’ll not only be able to enjoy these stories via our site, but also via Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Alexa, and just about anywhere else you get your audio fix from and all completely FREE.

Elizabeth Sheppard recording her Tales of Croydonia
Series one showcases tales by established and up-and-coming authors who are from or inspired by Croydon, including rising author Elizabeth Sheppard, playwright Jenny Lockyer and up-and-coming writer Amy Jones. Expect twists and turns, ghosts and ghouls, drama and comedy from the borough in which Sherlock Holmes author, Arthur Conan Doyle, chose to live and write.
To this day, Croydon had continued its literary connections with famous names, such as Neil Gaiman, Sue Perkins, D.H Lawrence and Noel Fielding, to name but a few.
Tales of Croydonia started as a live event at the wonderful Oval Tavern Croydon, where local writers could take to the stage and read their work. We have taken a selection of these of diverse and quirky short stories to create a podcast series to share with the world.
So without further ado here is the first episode.
The Croydonist presents Tales of Croydonia
in association with The Oval Tavern Croydon.
Episode 1
The Spirit of Croydon by Elizabeth Sheppard
Alvin shuts the Croydon Visitor Centre for the evening, but all is not as it seems as he makes his way along Dingwall Road. What is that noise coming from the building site?
The Spirit of Croydon is a clever tale with wit and charm that takes an unexpected turn. It is a relatable story to any city, town, borough or village, leaving readers to ponder, for better or worse, the evolution of a local area.
Elizabeth Sheppard (Liz Sheppard-Jones) is former associate editor of the Croydon Citizen news magazine, author of ‘Not A Proper Child’ (Mirror Books 2018) with Nicky Nicholls and a regular contributor to Tales of Croydonia.
Why not subscribe to the series on iTunes to get each new episode as it’s released.
We’ll update you on our social channels as new stories go live so follow @croydonist on twitter, instagram and facebook. You’ll also be able to listen to each episode as they launch, at the end of this post. Episode 2. Episode 3. Episode 4. Episode 5. Episode 6.

Also don’t forget to put your writing hats on, as we have teamed up with Croydon Literary Festival to run a short story competition – the winning entry will be recorded for series two or Tales of Croydonia. You still have plenty of time – deadline is the day of the festival, Saturday 27 October. Full details on how to enter here.
Posted by Angela and Julia
Episode 2
A Good Skive by Rob Preston
The sun is shining and the pub is calling to Tom who decides a sneaky pint is the order of the day instead of work. Little did Tom know, that a pints not all that awaits him at The Oval Tavern.
About the author: Rob Preston is the man behind the Breakfast Cat Theatre Company. He has written several plays and short stories, and currently divides his time between acting and working for the charity, Oxfam.
Episode 3
Apocalypse in Croydopolis by Jenny Lockyer, read by Rob Preston
The pub goers of Croydon fight an invasion of zombies, but will they save the day? Will Esther remain a vegetarian? Will Gavin ever make it to his studio session? Join us for this humorous tale of zombie munching action, featuring some of Croydon’s best loved haunts and characters.
About the Author: Jenny Lockyer is a performer and writer. She runs music and story sessions for Children across the South East. For more information on her work and up and coming events, follow Jenny on twitter @jennylockyer
Episode 4
A Cat Called Idiot by Amy Jones, read by Rosalind Hoy
Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes, and are often formed when you least expect it, such as on a dark and stormy night.
About the author: Amy Jones has lived in pubs in central Croydon for most of her life, so should know the town rather well. Unfortunately she’s had her head in a book for at least fifteen years so relies on whispers and rumours to learn about the Outside World.
A Cat Called Idiot is read by Rosalind Hoy who is creative producer and a principal artist at Zoo Co Theatre.
Warning, contains strong language.
Episode 5
The Seven Stages of Seeing A Croydon Ghost by Elizabeth Sheppard
A morning run, a chance glimpse and a questioning mind. Can it really be that I’ve just seen a ghost? Real or imagined. You decide…
About the author: Elizabeth Sheppard (Liz Sheppard-Jones) is former associate editor of the Croydon Citizen news magazine, author of ‘Not A Proper Child’ (Mirror Books 2018) with Nicky Nicholls and a regular contributor to Tales of Croydonia.
Episode 6
Croydon’s Cupid by Charlotte Anne Leonard, read by Florence O’Mahony
A Southern train speeds into London, packed with morning commuters. Heads stuck in books, people lost in day dreams gazing out of windows and eyes glued to phones. A chance glance, a missed opportunity, will fate step in?
About the author: Charlotte Anne Leonard wears many different hats. She is fundraiser for an international development charity but she also loves to write. She sometimes tries to write emotional stories to tug at peoples heartstrings but then she forgets about that and just tries to make people laugh…sometimes she’s successful. She also loves to act and is a spinning and Zumba addict. All in all, these things manage to keep her out of trouble (occasionally).
Croydon’s Cupid is read by Florence O’Mahony who is artistic director and a principal artist at Zoo Co Theatre.
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