
Women’s March

24 February 2022

March is nearly upon us which means this year’s International Women’s Day is only just over a week away, with the 2022 focus being #BreakTheBias. But why only raise awareness for a day when...
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A queer hurrah

20 January 2022

The start of the year always seems a bit drab and dreary. January blues, followed by the biting chill of February. However, this year there’s the sparkle of balls, screenings, Q&As galore, storytelling and...
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Children, centre stage

13 January 2022

For our first chat of 2022 we catch up with the multi-talented Salihah Agbaje. From arts practitioner, children’s author, and podcaster, to passionate educationalist, and founder of Theatre in Education organisation Spoken World Productions,...
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Panto Bogies

15 December 2021

Oh no you’re not! He’s behind you! Boooooooo! Yep you guessed it, Panto season is well and truly here but with a new addition to traditional sayings ‘BOGIES’. Welcome to The Fairfield Halls and...
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Having a bit of a do

17 November 2021

This week we catch up with arts organisation Drunken Chorus, as their free-to-attend inclusive festival of theatre, dance and cabaret, A Bit Of A Do returns to Stanley Arts. We chat to joint directors Chris Williams...
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Ghosts, ghouls, dragons and badgers

21 October 2021

You may have heard recent murmurings of dragons in South Norwood Country Park or ghosts in Stanley Halls. We wanted to find out more about the local arts organisation behind these events, so we...
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The infinite possibilities of theatre

5 August 2021

This week we catch up with Jamal Chong who is artistic director of Croydon-based theatre company Misprint. You may remember Jamal’s name from his days as artistic director and venue manager at Theatre Utopia...
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Zoom to the moon and beyond

10 March 2021

This year Croydonites Festival of New Theatre looks a little different for obvious reasons. The fifth festival was supposed to happen from 26-29 March 2020, but Lockdown 1 halted proceedings, so they have embraced...
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Rainy days and musical adventures

14 January 2021

Music has always been dear to my heart. I’m in a band, curate a festival and now also have a music podcast, but I’m also a huge fan of history. I was recently reading...
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Collecting tales of Croydon and beyond

21 May 2020

We are still lamenting the loss of this year’s Croydonites festival, being massive fans of Croydon’s annual theatrical event. We talked earlier in the year about all the exciting and innovative theatre we were...
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The SAVVY way to do theatre

27 February 2020

This week we complete our trio of features on the creative organisations who now call the Fairfield Halls their home. SAVVY Theatre is an award-winning company, creating ambitious, inclusive productions and theatre experiences that...
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